Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thought for the day

It doesn't matter what spiritual practice you do as long as it takes you into your heart and helps you connect with the Source of Love. If it does that, then stay with it throughout all the twists and turns of your life. Hold to your practice. It is your lifeline. When storms come up unexpectedly, it keeps you afloat. Ever so gradually, it brings you home.
~ Paul Ferrini


Pam T. said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I am so enjoying this blogging thing. It's as exciting as email was when I first started that, but this is even better because of the photos and personal touches.

Pam T. said...

Nice to hear from you on my blog. No . . . I haven't been Primary President, but it's the only thing I haven't done in Primary, that and playing the piano, which I'm not qualified to do, darn, I wish I was. All that experience sure is good when you're called as the President. It's the biggest program with the most staff in the church. It sure isn't easy, but it's important work, and I'm glad for the opportunity.

Erich said...
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Erich said...

I like the general message of this quote, but I don't agree with all of it, because it DOES matter what spiritual practice you do. I am glad that we know the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and can take THAT into our hearts. Love you!