Saturday, May 10, 2008

Glorious Saturday

I love Saturdays. I get to sleep in. What a blessing after 5 days of getting up at 5:00am. I used to be able to sleep in longer before we got Winston but now that there's a baby (puppy) in the house, I'm up earlier for the morning feed. Unja doesn't mind - this means that she gets her breakfast earlier than usual too. I can always take a nap later in the day.

It looks like its going to be a beautiful day outside. It was a little brisk when I took Winston out to potty but the skies look clear and blue and the birds were all singing, "hello spring - hello spring", so I consider that to be a good sign.

I need to dig out the suitcases and start organizing my packing for our cruise. Next Saturday I have to work and then the next Saturday, which is the Saturday before we leave, we have my works summer party at Lagoon. That will about cover my two next Saturdays prior to us leaving. I'm excited. Finally, a real honeymoon!!! Granted, we're combining my birthday celebration and our 2-yr anniversary celebration into the same trip but hey, I'm all about multi-tasking. ha ha Who says you can't honeymoon 2-yrs after the wedding???

Enjoy your day!!