Saturday, May 10, 2008

P.S....... Can't believe I forgot . . . .

I finished the President Hinckley Book of Mormon challenge last night. I read the entire B of M in 97-days and I'm quite proud of that. I enjoyed it this time more than any others and didn't get bored or restless while reading it. I think the prayer before I began the challenge helped a lot. I'm left already missing the reading but feel more hopeful and blessed after some of the challenges those people lived through. I look forward to reading it again.


Pam T. said...

Congratulations on reading the Book of Mormon, and so quickly. When I read it with Pres. Hinckley's challenge, I read it about at that pace too. It really helps us to read it regularly, doesn't it. Nice photo of your yard, glad to see you have blooms even though it was still snowing last month. Glad you added Unja to the photo collection. Now, where is Dennis, Katie, Charlie? Perhaps you can add a pic. of Dennis from your honeymoon. Have Fun.

Erich said...

I like what you've done to the place! I don't think you will need my help after all. You're doing a great job all by yourself. Good job to all the gals in the family for finishing the BOM. I am on the Gospel Doctrine year's schedule, so I won't finish until the end of the year. It's all good!