Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The first day

Today was a beautiful spring day. Finally! Last week we had 4 seasons in 4 days. It's been crazy weather. Tomorrow, another 10-degree drop in temperature. Who insulted Mother Nature anyway? We better all wish her a happy mothers day so she'll be nice and get the weather back to normal.

I worked my usual 8 hour shift and came home tired as usual. No time for a nap though. There were errands to run and lawns to mow and well, you know how life goes.

I've had a bath and put on my sleep lotion (lavender,vanilla from Bath & Body Works) and I think I'll call it a day. Tomorrow will come soon enough with a whole new list of things to get done.

Be safe!


Erich said...

Yea! My other sis has now joined the fun. Now we just have to get our other brother to do it. Better not hold our breath! Hee Hee! Come on Dan, if you're reading this....give in to the sibling pressure!!! Oh, and about your German title...I'm impressed! Sehr Gut!

Dan said...

Well, another creative sibling. I am impressed too. This is your opportunity to express all the things that you find hard to say. I know this for myself. I can express my self much better through word than face to face especially difficult things. I think I will see how long you can hold your breath. Big Bro. Dan

Pam T. said...

I think this is just wonderful. Thanks for giving it a try. You did good. I like your format choice, everything suit you. That's what I like about these, they really become an expression of ourselves.

Erich said...

Winston is soooooo dang cute! I can see how you wouldn't be able to resist him!

Erich said...

WOWEE!!! I like what you've done with the place! (I have a feeling that Katie helped you out???) It's nice to see the whole family. Where's you?