Saturday, May 24, 2008

My personal thoughts on my "Thought for the Day"

We were taught in our last general conference to be tolerant and respectful of other peoples belief. Sure, we wish they all could accept the gospel and believe as we do but there are good people out in the world that aren't members of our church. I just liked this "Thought for the Day" because it allows us to put that into more perspective and helps me to be less judgemental. I admire the people who believe in God and at least follow the religion they belong to. Too many of us, LDS people included, don't live their religions. I think that's worse then the alternative.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thought for the day

It doesn't matter what spiritual practice you do as long as it takes you into your heart and helps you connect with the Source of Love. If it does that, then stay with it throughout all the twists and turns of your life. Hold to your practice. It is your lifeline. When storms come up unexpectedly, it keeps you afloat. Ever so gradually, it brings you home.
~ Paul Ferrini

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day

I had a nice mothers day and I hope that my own mother and my sister also had a nice day.

My kids all came through. Tiffany gave me a pedicure as a combined mothers day/birthday gift. (Her money is extremely tight so I always tell her it's okay to combine the two). Rachel stopped by on Saturday with a dozen roses in a vase she had decorated and a nice card. Katie gave me a fun music card and a bag of jalepeno beef jerkey. Just the fact that she did it on her own was quite a surprise and much appreciated. And then of course, I got to talk to Charlie. He sounds great. His accent is stronger but I sort of expected that. The more he spoke in English, however, the less of an accent he had so I'm sure he'll lose it quickly once coming home. We had a nice phone visit and in two short months, he'll be home. :)

As for the day itself, I went to church, we got some sort of flowering plant. I made a ham and lots of fresh vegetables as side dishes. I layed outside on the hammock and read and snoozed and basically just enjoyed the warm air and sunshine. Over-all, it was a very nice day.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

P.S....... Can't believe I forgot . . . .

I finished the President Hinckley Book of Mormon challenge last night. I read the entire B of M in 97-days and I'm quite proud of that. I enjoyed it this time more than any others and didn't get bored or restless while reading it. I think the prayer before I began the challenge helped a lot. I'm left already missing the reading but feel more hopeful and blessed after some of the challenges those people lived through. I look forward to reading it again.

Glorious Saturday

I love Saturdays. I get to sleep in. What a blessing after 5 days of getting up at 5:00am. I used to be able to sleep in longer before we got Winston but now that there's a baby (puppy) in the house, I'm up earlier for the morning feed. Unja doesn't mind - this means that she gets her breakfast earlier than usual too. I can always take a nap later in the day.

It looks like its going to be a beautiful day outside. It was a little brisk when I took Winston out to potty but the skies look clear and blue and the birds were all singing, "hello spring - hello spring", so I consider that to be a good sign.

I need to dig out the suitcases and start organizing my packing for our cruise. Next Saturday I have to work and then the next Saturday, which is the Saturday before we leave, we have my works summer party at Lagoon. That will about cover my two next Saturdays prior to us leaving. I'm excited. Finally, a real honeymoon!!! Granted, we're combining my birthday celebration and our 2-yr anniversary celebration into the same trip but hey, I'm all about multi-tasking. ha ha Who says you can't honeymoon 2-yrs after the wedding???

Enjoy your day!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The first day

Today was a beautiful spring day. Finally! Last week we had 4 seasons in 4 days. It's been crazy weather. Tomorrow, another 10-degree drop in temperature. Who insulted Mother Nature anyway? We better all wish her a happy mothers day so she'll be nice and get the weather back to normal.

I worked my usual 8 hour shift and came home tired as usual. No time for a nap though. There were errands to run and lawns to mow and well, you know how life goes.

I've had a bath and put on my sleep lotion (lavender,vanilla from Bath & Body Works) and I think I'll call it a day. Tomorrow will come soon enough with a whole new list of things to get done.

Be safe!