Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bad timing

The day before leaving on our cruise (blog post about cruise to follow shortly), our washing machine decided to break. We've only had this washer for about 4-5 months now which made it doubly frustrating. What bad timing!!! Fortunately, I had most of the laundry done but not enough to sustain us now that we're back home. We called Maytag and the soonest they can get here to fix it will be on Friday. That means a whole week of using a laundromat. I thought I had finally advanced in life to not need those anymore but I was wrong.

The good news: The washer is still under warranty so it won't cost us anything to have it fixed!!

There's a bright side to every story isn't there?


Pam T. said...

Sooooo Sorry about the washer. That is so frustrating. I hope you can get it fixed soon. Toting to the laundromat is no fun. Watch your back, lift carefully, you don't want to hurt your back like I did. Glad you got some R & R on a cruise. I've never done that, I'll bet it was nice.

Erich said...

Katie, Katie, Katie...What are we going to do with you? Cute toes!