Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wow - Time sure flies!!

It's been forever since I even looked at my blog. Looks as though Katie has been updating pictures, however. Since my last blog, I've made Pepper Jelly. I hand chopped everything while watching General Conference. In November it was nice having Charlie home for Thanksgiving. A couple of weeks ago we went to Moab. I won a 2-night stay at the Red Cliffs Lodge off the Breeze radio station. It was a nice weekend. The accommodations were very nice and our free dinner at the lodge restaurant was also good. It's always nice to get out of town even if only for a weekend. Christmas is already tomorrow. I've had a hard time "feeling it" this year but I've done my best. Our sacrament meeting Christmas program was wonderful and helped put me into the spirit of it all. I'll try and get our Moab pictures posted soon. Sorry, I'm a slacker.....

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Pam T. said...

You're no more a slacker than I on this blogging, I'm now not only behind in my scrapbooking, but my blogging as well. I guess in this new technology era, maybe I should give up the scrapbooking. I hope you have a good 2009, we're praying for one. Love, Pam