Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Rambling

I don't feel well today. In fact, I haven't felt very well in several months. I think it's starting to play with my emotions. In other words, it's depressing. I feel like a deflated balloon most of the time. Thank goodness for the short bursts of energy I do get or I wouldn't get anything done. I'm thankful I've been able to function enough to go to work every day although to tell you the truth, once I'm done with work, that's pretty much it for the day. Pathetic isn't it? Having Crohn's sucks. At least I'm not alone though. I went to my first Crohn's support group this past week and got to talk to people just like me who have Crohn's and can relate to EVERYTHING I've been living with for the past 11+ years. Many of them are worse off than me which just goes to show you that no matter how bad you think your own personal situation is, there's always someone worse off than you!! Taking immunosuppressant drugs for the Crohn's is what I believe is the cause of my constant weariness and general malaise. It's a no win situation for me, however. I need the drugs or my Crohn's symptoms get worse. It's not fair! But then again, life isn't fair and I've always known that. . .